22. Everybody is an enemy
Of course, we naturally want to protect our interests. A better disposition should be to pray that God blesses our intentions and promotes our interests. He knows how best to do it.
Of course, we naturally want to protect our interests. A better disposition should be to pray that God blesses our intentions and promotes our interests. He knows how best to do it.
Unlike a conflict of competence, a crisis of competence is induced because of the ignorance of an officeholder or the lack or insufficient definition of duties by the office provider.
A mistake or omission by a priest or seminarian or layperson can put the entire diocese in difficulty. Therefore, if we are ignorant or in doubt, let us not be ashamed to always seek help because it is honourable and salvific to be diligent in ensuring the best for the faithful.
Curial offices exist to be the means for studying, planning, and suggesting ideas which the bishop ponders and weighs together with the presbyterial council and/or college of consultors and/or pastoral council.
“Happy are those who do not expect, for they shall not be disappointed” – Fr Anselm Ekhelar