78. Did statutory marriage and customary marriage work?
Statutory marriage is incompatible with customary marriage in Nigeria.
Statutory marriage is incompatible with customary marriage in Nigeria.
We sometimes erroneously assume that couples exchange consent when the bride presents a horn of palm wine to the bridegroom amidst the dancing.
Marriages contracted under customary law are as valid as marriages contracted under canon law
As we create new parishes, we should ensure that they are licensed places of worship to celebrate statutory marriages. We should ensure we complete the preliminary acts, including the marriage registration with the registry.
Contracting marriage in various legal systems is necessary if one desires to benefit from each legal system.
If Jesus had lived in Sub-Saharan Africa or a tropical region, he would have used another drink made from plants that grow in tropical regions.
The danger of arbitrariness is the lack of control and absence of sound theological and canonical foundations on why we do certain things and on why certain things need to be introduced
Using Jesus as the model is always salvific, liberating, humbling, inspiring, refreshing, fulfilling, and comforting.
History has shown that attempts to suppress or ignore questions of identity are not always successful.
We suffer more from the failures of our forebears to put things right and not from spiritual causes.