186. Chi di ebere: Divine mercy as an integral part of canon law
186. Chi di ebere: Divine mercy as an integral part of canon law

186. Chi di ebere: Divine mercy as an integral part of canon law


  1. Nikki

    Excellent comment here: “This implies that all the Church’s activities, including all canonical norms, must directly or indirectly contribute to this goal.” For this reason, church activities should not be watered down as it the custom in some places in order to attract people who would not ordinarily attend church. We cannot fulfill God’s mandate with a diluted form of His methods.

    Can. 1311 §2 is also important and should guide us not only in church matters, but it informs us about personal matters where we feel the need for vindication. Our desire should be that the offender repents and is restored so that they are ultimately right with God.

    1. Thank you for reading.

      Indeed, “we cannot fulfill God’s mandate with a diluted form of His methods”. This is the challenge today. Saving the individual is utmost in the Church. Unfortunately, while this is the purpose of church law alongside maintaning order and discipline within the Church, societal (secular) laws have only the maintenance of order and disciple as its goal.

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