169. The prohibition of concelebration of the Eucharistic Sacrifice
Eucharistic communion is inseparably linked to full ecclesial communion and its visible expression
Eucharistic communion is inseparably linked to full ecclesial communion and its visible expression
The validity and liceity of the anointing of the sick done at adoration grounds on Catholics depend on the type of oil used, how it was blessed, and the rite used in administering the sacrament.
The flow of the mass is that after consecration, there is the distribution of Holy Communion. The liturgy does not accommodate for consecration – communion – consecration.
Taking away the consecrated host is a sin (morality) and an offence (legality) at the same time. This means one needs sacramental absolution in addition to the penalty. This also explains why reparation is needed when the Eucharist is desecrated.
One must note that the invalidity of the attempted marriage only occurs in the Church because a priest or a finally professed religious who marries according to customary or statutory law contracts the marriage validly and licitly if he or she fulfils the conditions required for the validity and liceity of marriage in the customary or statutory law legal system.
One who confers a sacred order on a woman merely attempts the act.
Capacity concerns validity while ability concerns liceity
Since clerics and religious are obliged to report a case of sexual abuse, neglecting to report is a delict punishable in canon law.
The delict excludes sinful desires, mutually expressed desires, and frustrated attempts to sin. While sinful, they do not meet the juridical criterion to verify the delict.
The sacrament seal, which binds only the confessor, implies that the confessor does not know what was said at the confessional, as what was said in God’s forum must always remain in God’s forum.